In Qinhuangdao, China, Beijing-based firm OPEN Architecture has designed “UCCA Dune”, a museum whose undulating form sits submerged beneath the sand dunes, beside the Bohai Sea.
The architects describe ‘UCCA Dune’ as “a return to primal and timeless forms of space”: swathed by folds of the surrounding landscape, the underground museum has an organic composition that seems to mimic caves, animal burrows, or the paths of root systems. The subterranean nature of the 930 square meter building was inspired by children’s play at the beach; namely, the hours are spent digging tirelessly in the sand dunes. Such ‘digging’, the architects explain, “creates a series of interconnected, organically shaped spaces which, enveloped by sand, resemble caves—the primeval home of man, whose walls were once a canvas for some of humanity’s earliest works of art.”
These connecting sections of the museum seem to bloom from one another, their art-adorned interiors feature tunnel windows that offer different perspectives of the sea and the sky.
至於為何要將美術館蓋在地下呢?尤倫斯當代藝術中心(Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, UCCA)和OPEN建築事務所出於對自然的崇敬,以及保存當地原始沙丘的決心,決定在不破壞地形的前提下,將這裡的自然風貌保存下來。「也因為這座美術館的存在,」建築師說道,「這些沙丘將會被留下並受到人們的欣賞,而不是像其他的原始沙丘一樣,被剷平並蓋出一堆海景大樓。」
The decision of Ullens Center for Contemporary Art and OPEN Architecture to build beneath the ground, as opposed to above, was born from a reverence for nature and a collective desire to preserve the site’s original composition. “Because of the museum, these sand dunes will be preserved instead of leveled to make space for ocean-view real estate developments,” the architects explain, “as has happened to many other dunes along the shore.”
Designer: OPEN Architecture
PHOTOGRAPHER: Nan Ni, Qingshan Wu
WORDS: Rosie Flanagan
Source: Ignant