空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment

為回應疫情下國境封鎖的狀態,澳洲建築師與設計師Daniel Boddam設計了一間互動式的虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》,作為一種創新的解決辦法來展示其最新的傢俱設計作品。
Responding to the current international border closures, Australian architect and designer Daniel Boddam has designed an interactive virtual showroom in the form of a Parisian apartment. A peaceful and minimal environment, the ‘Paris Apartment’ is an inventive solution to showcase his latest furniture pieces.

空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Boddam向來以他創新卻又雋永的設計,以及簡約的哲學聞名。2013年成立了同名設計事務所,Boddam在傢俱設計以及住宅建築方面均建立起良好的名譽。而他在最新的作品中,Boddam使用CGI技術,打造出一間虛擬的互動式陳列室來模擬真實的購物體驗,讓人們在新冠疫情的隔離政策下,仍然能享受逛街的感覺。由Boddam設計、Avo Studio操刀的3D虛擬實境,展示了創意在各種限制下依然展現出無限的可能性。這項計畫受到法國野獸派畫家馬諦斯(Henri Matisse)晚年的泳池宣言啟發:馬諦斯晚年無法再去其最愛的泳池享受,於是他說:「我創造我自己的泳池!」——結果他創造了他著名的作品《泳池》,一個沈浸式的空間體驗,讓走入的觀者體驗到池畔粼粼波光——這正是《巴黎公寓》的精神,當我們被迫生活在充滿限制的生活之中,Boddam解釋:「《巴黎公寓》能創造出一種人與人之間的緊密連結,並讓人們透過創意去旅行。」
The Sydney-based creative is known for his holistic approach to progressive and enduring design, and for his philosophy of simplicity. Having founded his own namesake studio in 2013, Boddam has since built a remarkable portfolio, specializing in both residential architecture as well as in furniture design. For his latest project, he used CGI technology to create an interactive virtual showcase that could facilitate the shopping experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. With 3D visualizations by Avo Studios, the virtual space is a testament to the power of creativity when under constraints. The project is inspired by French artist Matisse’s proclamation, “I will make my own pool,” when faced with travel restrictions due to ill health. “The Paris apartment takes on a similar ambition of creating an environment that fosters connection and travel through creativity,” explains the designer.

空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

這個183平方公尺的虛擬公寓充滿了設計師熱愛的巴黎精神,並採用了十九世紀巴黎改造(Haussman style)的極簡風格。為什麼是巴黎呢?Boddam是這樣說明的:「從小時候開始,旅行就是我生活中非常重要的一部分,而巴黎則在我心中佔有非常特殊的地位。」在古典建築設計和傢俱設計的細節中流露出歐式風情以及澳式細膩,《巴黎公寓》包含了一個玄關大廳、客廳、廚房、臥室、套房、書房及化妝室。彰顯寧靜及簡約,該空間的特點是不過度奢華以及充足的自然光線。這種「減法」的方式更能凸顯空間中的特色傢俱——「地理系列」中的餐桌、「海浪沙發」及「椅子」,以及「海岸系列」中的座椅和燈光——讓其成為空間中的主角。
The 183 square meter interactive apartment is imagined in the minimalist Haussman style and captures the Parisian spirit much loved by the designer. “Travel has been an important part of my life since childhood, and Paris holds a particularly special place in my heart,” adds Boddam. Merging European and Australian sensitivities through beautifully classic architecture and furniture design, the project comprises an entrance hall, living room, kitchen, bedroom, ensuite, study, and powder room. Celebrating serenity and simplicity, the apartment is characterized by material restraint and an abundance of natural light. This reductionist approach allows the featured furniture to take center stage: the ‘Geo’ collection of tables, the ‘Wave Sofa’ and ‘Chair’, and the ‘Coast’ collection of seating and lighting.

空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|想念逛街嗎?設計重塑購物體驗——虛擬陳列室《巴黎公寓》The Paris Apartment|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Name: Daniel Boddam
Project: Paris Apartment
Images: Avo Studios
Words: Devid Gualandris
Source: Ignant
