DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾

DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

Kengo Kuma has been named among the 100 most influential people of 2021.


Japanese architect Kengo Kuma has been named as the only architect in Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people of 2021. Kuma, who heads up Tokyo-based Kengo Kuma and Associates, was included in the annual ranking of the people the US magazine judges to be the world’s most influential.

DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
Kuma’ s unique take on ‘losing architecture’ involves elements of nature.


He was recognized for his “intricate buildings”, which Kenjiro Hosaka, director of the Shiga Museum of Art, described as “losing architecture”. “Kengo Kuma champions an ideal of ‘losing architecture’ – intricate buildings that disappear into their environs – although it’s hard to miss the new National Stadium in Japan when walking through the heart of Tokyo,” said Hosaka in the citation.

DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

he designed the Japan National Stadium


DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

The stadium features areas of greenery on its exterior


This year Kuma was in the limelight as he designed the Japan National Stadium, which was the centerpiece of this year’s Olympics Games. “His stylistic fingerprints can be seen throughout the elaborate project, designed by Kengo Kuma and Associates in collaboration with two other firms for this year’s Olympic Games,” said Hosaka. “Greenery dots the facade of the oval-shaped structure, the centerpiece of this year’s Games, allowing a series of wooden eaves – a favored material for Kuma, procured from prefectures across Japan – to better blend in with the surrounding garden.”

DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

隈研吾的作品座落全球,包括位於蘇格蘭的維多利亞與艾伯特博物館丹地分館(the V&A Dundee)。
Kuma has designed buildings around the world including the V&A Dundee


與新國立競技場同樣令人驚艷的作品遍佈全球,包括位於蘇格蘭的維多利亞與艾伯特博物館丹地分館(the V&A Dundee)(這也是第一座由非英國建築師設計的英國博物館)、中國美術學院民藝博物館,以及日本的GC口腔科學博物館(GC Prostho Museum Research Center)。
在2019年,V&A Dundee被時代雜誌選入當年度世界最佳百大景點,同年度入選的還有位於高雄的衛武營國家藝術文化中心。

Alongside the stadium, Kuma has designed significant buildings around the world. These include the V&A Dundee in Scotland, Folk Art Museum in China and the GC Prostho Museum Research Center in Japan. In 2019, Time magazine named V&A Dundee in its list of the World’s Greatest Places for the year.

DB報導|時代雜誌2021最具影響力人物 榜上唯一入選的建築大師——隈研吾|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

日本的GC口腔科學博物館(GC Prostho Museum Research Center)。
He also designed the GC Prostho Museum Research Center


Word: Tom Ravenscroft 
Source: Dezeen
