國際競賽報名代辦 | 英國D&AD新血獎 | 設計盒子DESIGN BOX

英國D&AD新血獎 協助代辦報名

國際競賽報名代辦 | 英國D&AD新血獎 | 設計盒子DESIGN BOX

國際競賽報名代辦 | 英國D&AD新血獎 | 設計盒子DESIGN BOX

1962年,一群設計師和藝術總監齊聚一堂,慶祝創意交流並提高業界標準。小組成員包括知名肖像攝影師大衛·貝利(David Bailey)、60年代時尚攝影大師特倫斯·多諾萬(Terence Donovan)和英國影響力最深平面設計師之一艾倫·弗萊徹(Alan Fletcher)等。他們自稱「英國設計與藝術總監(British Design & Art Direction)」,並在隔年辦了首屆頒獎典禮,從2500個參賽作品中,選出16件作品獲得D&AD Yellow Pencil黃鉛筆獎。隨著英國設計與藝術總監組織發展壯大,也將其正式名稱簡化為「D&AD」。如今D&AD成員來自世界各國,獎項類別涵蓋面向廣,從平面設計到產品、書報雜誌設計;創作領域如寫作、插畫、編輯、攝影;創新應用設計如電子商務、使用者介面設計 等。其中更開設了「明日之星」類別獎項,提供具有潛力的設計師更好的機會。如今,該獎項也不僅代表英國,更是代表了全球的創意、設計和廣告界,是極具代表性的獎項之一。

In 1962 a group of designers and art directors come together to celebrate creative communication and raise standards within their industry.Amongst the group are David Bailey, Terence Donovan and Alan Fletcher. Calling themselves British Design & Art Direction, the following year they organise their first Awards event. And they are picky. From 2,500 entries they select just 16 pieces of work to receive the soon-to-be coveted D&AD Yellow Pencil; the first of its kind.Today, British Design & Art Direction has grown mightily, but slimmed down its name. Now D&AD, its members represent the creative, design and advertising communities, not just in Britain, but worldwide.

Our categories span the full spectrum of disciplines from graphic design to product design, book design, and magazine and newspaper design; art direction to writing, editing, illustration, photography, typography and animation; creative coding to UX, e-commerce and gaming; PR and media to social good, and much more. We have special categories for rising stars who are making waves in the early days of their career and for side projects that are ready to start-up or scale-up.


傳達- 廣告設計、影片、理念、平面設計
產品- 產品設計
概念- 動畫、廣告等等


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