藝術奧斯卡獎──探索 2024 WORLD ART AWARDS 世界藝術大獎精選作品

素有藝術界奧斯卡獎之稱的世界藝術大獎WORLD ART AWARDS已於2024年六月盛大開獎。本屆共有61 個國家的藝術家參與 2024 年世界藝術獎的角逐。經過層層評選後,最終在數千件參賽作品中評選出300多件優秀作品。在眾多作品中,台灣有10件作品脫穎而出。極為難得的是,台灣復興美工學生謝德禮以其高二作業「琉仙瓶」作為作品參賽,榮獲雕塑-抽象藝術類別第二名,與全球廣大社會知名人士共同參賽並獲得極高名次,實屬難得。現在,就讓我們帶領您探索2024世界藝術大獎WORLD ART AWARDS的精選作品!

The highly anticipated WORLD ART AWARDS, comparable to the prestigious Oscars of the art world, made its grand announcement in June 2024. This year, the event saw the participation of 61 countries, with over 300 exceptional works of art handpicked from a multitude of submissions. Out of the remarkable pieces, 10 outstanding works from Taiwan caught the spotlight. Notably, Mr. Hsieh Te-Li, a talented student designer from FU-HSIN TRADE & ARTS SCHOOL, achieved a remarkable accomplishment by securing second place in the Sculpture – Nonrepresentational category with his sophomore project ‘The Bottle of Immortal Heroes’. This extraordinary feat saw him pitted against globally recognized artists and emerging victorious. Now, you have the opportunity to delve into the selected winning artworks chosen by our editor from the illustrious 2024 WORLD ART AWARDS!

在過去15年間,世界藝術大獎WORLD ART AWARDS會先在每年四月,由世界藝術獎顧問委員會選出全球最佳的20家畫廊和博物館。接著在六、七月時,由這20家畫廊和博物館評選出的300多位獲獎藝術家,並為其頒發現金獎勵、聲譽和職業認可。

Every year for the past 15 years, the prestigious World Art Awards commence with the meticulous selection of the top 20 galleries and museums worldwide by the esteemed World Art Awards Advisory Board in April. Subsequently, in the months of June and July, the chosen 20 galleries and museums handpick more than 300 exceptionally talented and award-winning artists, who are then honored with cash prizes, acclaim, and esteemed professional recognition.

DESIGN BOX & DECO TV聯合精選-獲獎設計分享:


2024世界藝術大獎WORLD ART AWARDS精選作品

1. 雕塑品-抽象藝術|第二名|台灣藝術家謝德禮-琉仙瓶The Bottle of Immortal Heroes

復興美工 美工科 謝德禮


2. 雕塑品-抽象|第二名|美國藝術家Devin Herr-碳足跡Carbon Footprint



3. 雕塑品-具象|第二名|瑞典藝術家Peter Mandl-Galene



4. 立體派藝術|第一名|丹麥藝術家 Katerina A. Cechova-世界末日的四隻馬The 4 Horsws of Apocalypse



5. 印象派-景觀|第五名|德國藝術家Beate Blume-布魯克林大橋日落Brooklyn Bridge Sunset



6. 抽象表達|第二名|澳洲藝術家ALAN TODD-與我父親的對話Conversation With my Father



7. 極簡抽象藝術|第五名|匈牙利藝術家Zsolt Malasits-半人馬和寧芙Centaur And The Nymph



8. 超現實主義|第二名|美國藝術家Maurits Rol-昔日景觀Erstwhile Landscape Portrait



9. 超現實主義|第二名|西班牙藝術家Ramon Rivas-石弩與相對論之間的藝術Art Between The Catapult And Relativity



10. 數位藝術-具象|第一名|美國藝術家Maurits Rol-未完全遺忘的樹Not Quite Forgotten Tree



11. 數位藝術-具象|第三名|美國藝術家Maurits Rol-大腦幾個世紀的滲漏Cerebral Centuries Seepage



12. 數位藝術-抽象|第四名|拉脫維亞藝術家Igors Barulins-宇宙卡巴萊.光芒四射的表情符號天體奇觀Cosmic Cabaret. A Celestial Spectacle Of Radiant Emojis







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