解鎖女性私密護理的秘密──「De Pure私密精萃凝膠」獲獎發佈會

De Pure 私密精萃凝膠──引領女性私密健康護理新時代,幫助女性重拾自信與舒適

A New Chapter in Intimate Care:

How De Pure Probiotic Gel Helps Women Reclaim Confidence and Comfort

《De Pure私密精萃凝膠 獲獎發佈會》已於2024年10月17日在台北圓滿舉行,吸引了眾多媒體朋友和業界專家一同共襄盛舉。創辦人Debby及Lilian在這天正式向大家介紹這項產品-「De Pure私密精萃凝膠」,希望透過這次的發佈會讓大眾深入了解產品的特點與優勢,並讓更多女性意識到私密健康護理的重要性,幫助她們在忙碌的生活中重拾自我呵護的力量。

The highly anticipated press conference, titled “From Innovation to Recognition: De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel’s Journey to Award-Winning Success,” took place in the vibrant city of Taipei on October 17, 2024. The event captivated numerous media professionals and industry experts who eagerly participated. Founders Debby and Lilian took the stage to formally unveil their groundbreaking product, the De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel. The conference aimed to provide attendees with an in-depth understanding of the product’s unique features and advantages. Furthermore, it sought to raise awareness about the crucial importance of intimate health care for women, empowering them to prioritize self-care amidst their demanding lifestyles.

此次活動除了線下的媒體記者會之外,De Pure還邀請了知名直播平台「林揚竣粉絲團(永恆天使)」同步進行線上直播。透過線上線下虛實整合的方式,讓更多人參與其中。儘管活動安排在下午的上班時間舉行,但在線人數依然突破了1500人,這顯示出當今女性朋友們對私密健康的高度重視,女性意識的提升可見一斑。

De Pure went beyond traditional methods by hosting an offline media press conference and partnering with the renowned live streaming Facebook Page “Lin Yangjun Fan Club (Eternal Angel)” for a simultaneous online broadcast. This innovative approach allowed a larger audience to engage with the event. Despite taking place during the busy workday’s afternoon rush hour, the online viewership surpassed 1,500, demonstrating the growing importance women place on intimate health and their increasing awareness of the subject regarding women’s health care.

「林揚竣粉絲團(永恆天使)」作為Facebook上極具人氣的直播帶貨平台,擁有超過33萬粉絲。該平台長期以來為粉絲嚴選各類優質商品,深受消費者的信賴與支持,而「De Pure私密精萃凝膠」便是本次吧被選中的優質產品。直播活動中,品牌創辦人之一的Debby也親自帶著這款專為女性設計的私密保養產品亮相於直播間,她希望透過這次直播,讓更多女性了解如何正確保養自己,並將這款優質產品分享給所有追求健康與美麗的女性朋友。

The “Lin Yangjun Fan Club (Eternal Angel)” stands as a revered live streaming shopping platform on Facebook, boasting a dedicated following of over 330,000 fans. Renowned for its discerning curation of top-tier products, the platform has garnered unwavering trust and support from consumers. The latest addition to its carefully selected lineup is the “De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel,” a high-quality offering designed for intimate care. During a recent live broadcast, Debby, one of the brand’s founders, graced the virtual stage to personally introduce this product tailored for women. Her aim is to empower women to embrace proper self-care while extending the opportunity to experience this premium product to all beauty-conscious individuals.
Lin Yangjun Fan Club (Eternal Angel) Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/a3396


獲獎發佈會 精彩回顧 Highlights of the Event

De Pure 私密精萃凝膠的研發過程與背景故事,創辦人陳沛緹Debby、陳韻如Lilian說道:「主要是台灣在亞熱帶氣候的影響下,尤其是夏天悶熱、潮濕的環境會使女性私密處的不適感增加。而De Pure 私密精萃凝膠在產品的開發、科研及檢驗過程皆經過層層把關,能確保產品的安全與效能。是一款集合抗菌、潤滑、修復和平衡四大功效於一身,專為女性設計的友善產品。」

De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel’s creation stemmed from the founders’ recognition of the challenges faced by women in Taiwan’s subtropical climate, particularly the discomfort experienced in their intimate areas. Debby Chen and Lilian Chen meticulously developed the gel, subjecting it to rigorous testing to guarantee its safety and efficacy. This exceptional product offers women antibacterial, lubricating, repairing, and balancing properties, tailored to their specific needs.

為了達到抗菌、潤滑、修復和平衡等功效,創辦人Debby和Lilian表明:「De Pure 私密精萃凝膠使用的核心成分為擁有獨家專利的奈米礦物離子、玻尿酸及歐洲醣基海藻糖成分。這些成分共同作用,能夠將私密處的pH值維持在最合適的3.8至4.5範圍內,並形成一層保護膜,使其滲透壓低於WHO建議的極限值。特別是我們的奈米礦物離子,經過專業認證,能有效殺菌99.9%;而醣基海藻糖則能深入滋潤,幫助修復私密處肌膚。」

To achieve the effects of antibacterial, moisturize, repair and balance, the founders Debby and Lilian stated: “The key ingredients in De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel include a patented nano mineral ion formula and a variety of advanced components, particularly Hyaluronic acid and European Glycans from seaweed. These ingredients work together to maintain the pH level of the intimate area within the optimal range of 3.8 to 4.5 and form a protective film that keeps the penetration pressure below the WHO recommended limit, providing women with comprehensive protection and care. Specifically, our nano mineral ions are certified to be 99.9% effective in sterilizing bacteria, while Glycosyl Alginate deeply moisturizes and helps to repair the skin of the intimate area. This ensures the cleanliness and health of women’s intimate areas.”

提到De Pure品牌未來的發展目標與計畫,創辦人Debby和Lilian訴說著:「因為我們深知私密處保養的重要性,因此除了持續專注產品的研發之外,還將積極推廣女性教育。我們計畫將De Pure品牌推向國際,預計明年第一季會在日本、東南亞擴展合作代工並開放經銷商,希望更多人看見台灣卓越品質行銷世界!」不僅如此,創辦人也有透露De Pure近期將推出洗滌系列產品,該產品是De Pure 私密精萃凝膠的衍生款,同樣具備凝膠原有的獨家專利礦物離子配方與天然修復、保濕、潔淨、穩定PH成分,期望讓女性的私密處獲得更全面的護理。

De Pure’s visionary founders, Debby and Lilian, have unveiled their ambitious future plans for the brand. With a deep understanding of the significance of intimate care, they are committed to advancing product research and development while also setting their sights on international expansion. Their upcoming endeavors include forging partnerships with OEMs and establishing distributorships in Japan and Southeast Asia within the first quarter of the upcoming year. Additionally, the founders have disclosed plans to introduce a new line of washing products, stemming from the renowned De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel. The innovative cleansing products will also feature the original patented mineral ion formula, as well as natural repair, moisturizing, cleansing, and pH-stabilizing ingredients, aiming to deliver a holistic approach to women’s intimate cre. 

除了產品的介紹環節之外,我們也有在媒體提問環節詢問到創辦人Debby和Lilian為何會成立De Pure品牌,以及其獨特的競爭優勢。她們表示:「De Pure成立是因為自己與身旁女性朋友都曾有私密處困擾。因此我們的目標便是提供高品質的私密處保養品方案,解決痛點、滿足新時代女性對立即的時效性需求。我們不僅重視產品的成效、整體的設計,還非常注重用戶體驗,會為消費者提供售後反饋服務。」

During the engaging Q&A session with the media, we had the opportunity to delve into the origins of the De Pure brand with its founders, Debby and Lilian. They shared the inspiring story behind the brand, highlighting their deep understanding of the intimate concerns faced by women. Their vision for De Pure is to offer top-tier intimate care products tailored to address the specific needs of modern women. Emphasizing not only product effectiveness and design excellence but also prioritizing user experience, they are dedicated to providing comprehensive after-sales feedback services for their valued consumers.

隨著《De Pure私密精萃凝膠 產品發佈會》的圓滿落幕,這款產品正式揭開了台灣女性私密護理的新篇章。活動不僅加深了大眾對私密健康的認識,也彰顯了De Pure品牌對創新技術與女性需求的深入理解。未來,De Pure將繼續在產品研發與女性私密健康教育的領域耕耘,致力為更多女性提供更優質的私密護理方案。這場發佈會的成功,僅僅是De Pure邁向國際舞台的第一步,而品牌的成長和願景,將伴隨著每一位女性對自我關愛的提升而變得更加堅定。

Following the triumphant conclusion of the press conference, this product has marked the dawn of a new era in women’s intimate care in Taiwan. The event not only deepened public insight into intimate health but also showcased De Pure’s profound understanding of cutting-edge technology and women’s unique requirements. Looking ahead, De Pure remains dedicated to advancing product research and development, as well as women’s intimate health education, with a steadfast commitment to providing superior intimate care solutions for women. The success of this conference represents just the initial stride for De Pure’s foray into the global stage. The brand’s growth and vision are intricately linked with the enhancement of every woman’s self-care journey.

感謝所有參與者的支持,欲了解更多De Pure的品牌與產品資訊,歡迎隨時訪問以下網站。

De Pure would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the participants of the conference for their unwavering support. For comprehensive details about the De Pure brand and its exceptional range of products, we invite you to explore their website at your convenience.

官網 Official Website:https://depure-tw.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/depure4u/
Instagram: depure4u
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