童話小鎮的歷史與新生——喬治亞Rhike Park展演中心
位於高加索山脈國家喬治亞的首都,提比里斯(Tbilisi),即將在著名的萊克公園(Rhike Park)迎來一座全新的音樂戲劇展演中心。座落於喬治雅總統府周邊、庫拉河河畔,這座藝文中心將由義大利建築事務所Studio Fuksas 操刀。不僅為藝術與展演活動打造出一座造型獨特公共建築,並為這座城市帶來有機的動能與生機。
Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is about to get a Music Theatre and Exhibition Hall in beautiful Rhike Park. Under the gaze of the Presidential Palace, the Italian practice Fuksas is currently constructing an organically shaped public space for arts and concerts.
這座展演中心造型奇特,像是分成兩股的喇叭交織而成。其不規則的曲面造型在童話小鎮般的城市中心顯得突出,但也遙遙呼應著河畔對面、同樣出自Studio Fuksas之手的提比里斯公共服務中心(Tbilisi Public Service Hall)。這幾座極具現代化風格的建築,顯示出了提比里斯新舊交融的特性。展覽中心的入口處是一座巨型的階梯,歡迎著往來的遊客入內欣賞藝術及展覽;音樂廳則位於建築的另一端,拔地而起,為人們提供欣賞城市天際線的最佳位置。Studio Fuksas,由建築大師Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas夫妻創辦,是世界上最富盛名的建築事務所之一。在過去的四十年間,該事務所以其創新、遠見的設計手法,在世界各地留下了令人驚豔的作品,其類型之廣、內含之深,令人不禁讚嘆大師手筆。這並不是Studio Fuksas在此的第一件作品,我們也可以期待,這或許不會是最後一件。
A great ramp brings visitors to the Exhibition Hall, whereas the Music Theatre Hall rises from the ground and allows people to enjoy the view to the skyline of the city. Studio Fuksas, led by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, is one of the most outstanding international architectural firms in the world. Over the past 40 years, the company has developed an innovative approach through a strikingly wide variety of projects, ranging from urban interventions to cultural centers and private houses.
Images: Fuksas
Words: Annika Wittrock
Source: Ignant