STONE FOREST由Michael Zimber於1989年創立。Michael與石頭和水的關係始於20年代初期,當時他是一名登山嚮導和河流嚮導。 他沉迷於正在攀爬的岩石峭壁之美,於是在業餘時間開始雕刻石塊。 在“生活”十年的指導下,他的母親告訴他找到一份真正的工作,邁克認為她可能是對的,並開始考慮如何將自己喜歡的東西帶到曠野,並以某種方式將其帶入人們的住宅,所以STONE FOREST誕生了。25年後的今天,STONE FOREST是一群工匠和設計師,致力於將天然材料的高雅簡約帶入浴室和花園。 我們從大自然的藍圖上帶頭,強調石頭,青銅,銅,木頭,竹子和鐵的寧靜之美。
Stone Forest was founded by Michael Zimber in 1989. Michael’s relationship with stone and water began in his early 20s when he worked as a climbing and river guide. Fascinated with the beauty of the rock cliffs he was scaling, he began sculpting blocks of stone in his spare time. After “living the life” as a guide for 10 years, his mother told him to get a real job. Mike figured she was probably right and started thinking about how he could take what he loved about being in the wilderness and somehow bring it into people’s homes and gardens. Stone Forest was born. Twenty-five years later, Stone Forest is a group of artisans and designers focused on bringing the elegant simplicity of natural materials into the bath and garden. We take our lead from nature’s blue print, emphasizing the quiet beauty of stone, bronze, copper, wood, bamboo and iron.
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