保時捷是德國福斯集團旗下的汽車品牌,其總部位於斯圖加特市,由斐迪南·保時捷創辦。保時捷主要以製造跑車及參與賽車運動聞名,是高性能轎車的廠牌。原為保時捷控股公司擁有,現透過福斯集團間接控股。 德國保時捷在20世紀被認為是和義大利的法拉利跟英國的蓮花汽車鼎足的世界三大跑車生產商之一。
Porsche is an automobile brand under the German Flowserve Group. Its headquarters is located in Stuttgart and was founded by Ferdinand Porsche. Porsche is mainly known for manufacturing sports cars and participating in motorsports. It is the brand of high-performance cars. Originally owned by Porsche Holdings, it is now indirectly controlled through Flowserve Group. In the 20th century, German Porsche was considered to be one of the world’s three largest sports car manufacturers with Ferrari in Italy and Lotus in the UK.

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